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Mad Man Reinvented – Programmatic Creative Umbrella

Mad Man Reinvented – Programmatic Creative Umbrella

Personalization is key to powerful marketing & in digital advertising

Future of digital advertising depends upon being able to balance data & creativity. Personalisation is key to powerful marketing & in digital advertising; it is possible to give unique experience to consumer. Clients always aspired to deliver right message to right audience at right context & time.  To fulfill demand of delivering right message to right audience marketers earlier used to do series of A/B testing to enhance their messaging to different audience segments but it has its inadequacy as you can’t do it at scale & with live campaigns. Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) is the real time process by which advertisers can personalize creative & with prevailing machine learning technology & data at your fingertips, you can ensure that your ads continuously change according to each user preferences and browsing history. 

DCO is to creatives what SEO is to webpages & it should be viewed as creativity and data united for maximum effectiveness.  The depth and prospect of personalization possible through DCO make the advertisements highly relevant, which will lead to enhanced viewer engagement.  Machine learning at the heart of the dynamic creative optimization help marketers & agencies to use variation of creative over time and with a flexibility of experimenting at large scale and understanding which creative resonate with audience. DCO can also help brands nurture customer loyalty & significantly improve campaign performance, as ads are more personalize which will lead to happy customer engagement.

DCO allow marketers to break a creative apart into multiple pieces, and create different versions of those pieces for different context. It also understand targeting variables, which are passed from the data management platform (DMP) down to the DCO ad server, to generate a personalized ad based on the information in those variables. In digital advertising data, triggers are available at each of AIDA Model. With DCO you can serve different ads at each of the consumer journey by looking at different data trigger points e.g. In Awareness phase you can look for data trigger points like location ,time and in conversion phase you can look for data triggers like App or website retargeting. Marketers & agencies can make better creative decision on each of these funnel by using DCO and serve most relevant ads to receptive audience. 

Dynamic creative optimization uses two different strategy. 

Personalize retargeting: – This strategy uses data, which pass by pixels on advertiser website or App. These ads show dynamic content based a person’s website browsing history such as products viewed or added to a shopping cart.  Personalize retargeting can be exceptionally effective to drive more conversions to your online store or website and to build customer loyalty. By using, personalize retargeting advertisers get a second chance to connect with visitors, but also because they can create relevant messages for audience.  With personalized retargeted ads you can pinpoint the stage in the sales funnel that each visitor is in, and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

Rules- Based retargeting: – Rules based retargeting relies on situational & 3rd party data even if consume have not visited your website or app. The rule based retargeting can use data points like location, weather, time of day, day of the week.

In below example, you can see how easily you combine and target external DMP segments to serve the most relevant creative to each audience.

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Audience targeting on its own is not enough to personalize the digital experience, marketers must also adapt ad creative to their target audiences to make it relevant and engaging. DCO can help drive Brand awareness and performance campaign at scale, but success of it will depend upon advertiser setting up their campaign goals correctly. Before you start any brand campaign, understand your audience personas, segment them according to geography or demographics, and plan your creative accordingly. In brand, building campaigns advertisers must indemnify that they preserve uniformity in look, feel, and messaging. Maintaining optimal frequency is utmost important and use rule based retargeting like time of day or location. In performance campaign brand, should use personalize retargeting & adjust creative based on user journey. Make sure that your messaging is consistent throughout the landing page and use 1st party & 3rd party data.  

DCO is an effective strategy for any business that wants to deliver personalized, relevant messaging to consumers and verticals such as retail, ecomm, travel and auto making good use of this technology. One of the misconception around DCO is its too complex & expensive. Marketers will have to ensure that media and creative team is working together & there is no hesitation in DCO adoption during the campaign process. Savvy advertisers are using CMP (Creative management platform) which includes dynamic creative & other static formats. It is worth reiterating the dynamic creative optimization is one of the multiple capabilities in CMP. Other capabilities in a CMP also include Mass HTML banner, rich media ad building, video ads and Facebook ads.  Both of these technologies CMP & DCO fall under the programmatic creative umbrella. The digital marketplace is jumbled & if an advertiser wants to get through to a consumer, their messaging must make a connection. If it can be a more personal connection, the chances of a consumer reacting to it are greatly increased. Together humans and machines can make beautiful things, happen and create ideal brand experiences that consumers reminisce.

By Prashant Nandan

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