I am not interested – LOL

Since the beginning of Agency Reporter, I have been going after my acquaintances and friends for their interviews. They are the low hanging fruits for me and they all obliged to my request out of kindness. My colleague Garima sent them questionnaires which they were answering with full zeal and sending back for publishing. After all it’s a platform for agency folks, by agency folks and of agency folks. Obviously giving interviews makes one feel important and worthy, boosts self-confidence, makes one’s CV healthy and heavy, shows oneself active in the industry and tons of other things. I cannot think of people who would reject the opportunity of getting interviewed as not everyday you get this kind of media attention unless you are leading a big international agency.
Now, this happened very recently. My colleague, Garima reached out to 2-3 people at one of the agency for an interview. Our first POI was a female from Bengaluru who is at the forefront of an e-commerce player which also happens to be one the biggest account the agency has. She was quite enthusiastic, I must say, and sent us the answers in under three days. As we were about to publish it, she called up my colleague and said that the company’s HR wanted to talk to us about the interview and that we should call her before publishing it. ‘Alright’, we said, but, if the HR wants to really talk to us then she can pick up the goddamn phone and call us, but no, maybe she was too busy sending out birthday emails. Never mind, Garima rang her but she didn’t answer the call. My colleague dropped her a message and instantly she replied “please email”. We never emailed because we had about 1500 people waiting to get interviewed. And by the way what good of a HR she is if because of her that person’s interview could not get published and the opportunity simply went by. Keep cutting cakes.
Now, just yesterday we reached out to our second POI at the same agency, this time in Mumbai, lo and behold, the guy says “I’m not interested” and here in Noida we LOLzed for good five minutes. Either there is some problem at this agency or the people there has a lot of real work to do. Anyway, opportunity gone ‘Mr. Big Shot Media Manager’.
In either case, I am not giving up and I will reach out to their Vice President today.
Let’s see what he has to say!
P.S. – Here’s why we are fussy about the whole issue- It is because we want all of you to come on board and make Agency Reporter your own platform, express yourself and voice what you feel. Agency Reporter will always be about people who make the industry. A big thanks to all those who came forward, contributed and shared the proud moment. We want everyone to be seen & heard, not just by your colleagues but by the whole industry. Here is an opportunity, find some time to utilise it to the fullest.