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Industry Reacts to Patrika’s Recently Introduced Brand Identity

Industry Reacts to Patrika’s Recently Introduced Brand Identity

Patrika recently introduced a brand logo that symbolizes its rich legacy and that comes with respectable body of work behind it, but be relevant to modern context.

For more than 6 decades Patrika has been known for its credible journalism and structured integrated campaigns and social initiatives.

Changing times require changing mindsets and evolution of the product and brand. We have all seen major changes in the media environment in the recent times, like most proactive companies Patrika is a media house that has greatly overhauled and evolved. Patrika recently introduced a brand logo that symbolizes its rich legacy and that comes with respectable body of work behind it, but be relevant to modern context.

The industry has well received the logo, and the reactions have been very positive. Shashank Srivastava, Executive Director ( Marketing & Sales ), Maruti Suzuki India Ltd explained “I believe that Kulish is an ideal choice to reflect the ethos of Rajasthan Patrika . It symbolises the power and purity of intent and has a deep meaning even in contemporary India. It is a perfect connect from our rich past and heritage to the present. Patrika has been playing a very constructive & powerful role in the media and the society at large. The Kulish is a very good symbol of that aspect as well. I wish the Patrika group all the best for the future.”

Also welcoming was comment of Pallavi Singh, Marketing Head, BMW said “It’s great to see the new narrative with new energy.”

The design of the logo is built to reflect the core values and the essence of Patrika. Shri Karpur Chand Kulish the founder of Patrika found himself best expressed in his acquired title “Kulish” and adopted it for life. The word ‘Kulish” having a very powerful and deep significance. Kulish means a vajra the most  powerful of all weapons ordained and blessed to restore dharma and rightful life. Kulish finds its refrences in Puranas, Geeta, Ramayan and most other scriptures and represents the very function that Patrika as newspaper has been playing in society as a revolutionary change maker. It looks absolutely the right choice of expression of intent and soul of the brand.

Kulish is engrained in Indian ethos, as the first ever flag of freedom suggested by Sister Nivedita disciple of Swami Vivekananda also displayed a picture of Kulish.

Sandip Ghose, Chief Operating Office, MP Birla Cements commented“In today’s fast changing world the mantra is Reinvent, Re-engineer and Rediscover to stay relevant and ahead of the times. Even the most popular brands need to refresh its identity and reaffirm its purpose and character. A Lion too needs to roar occasionally to remind the world of its nature and stature. Glad that Rajasthan Patrika despite being the market leader by far-has undertaken this re-branding exercise.”

Puneet Anand, Group Head Marketing HYUNDAI said, “I congratulate Patrika Group on adorning a new Bold and Dynamic vision which is very amalgamated in the new brand identity. With the changing World, it will herald a new Era of Leadership for Patrika Group. Wishing All the Best” Mr. Amit Jain, CEO and Co-Founder Girnar Software Pvt. Ltd.(Car Dekho) reflects ” A brand that is always refreshing with time… As news takes up a new form for its audience through the internet and the digital era, Kulish will help the masses identify with Patrika as a household name. I am confident that this new identity will resend the message of trust, purity and positivity all the way. The Lion symbolises strength and power and of what I have known of Patrika group, personally, this reflects very well with its values and ethos of the management and team, equally. Wishing the Patrika Group all the success as they carve the path to empowering change! “

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Hanish Batra, GM Marketing TPG Wholesale  Pvt Ltd called it “A very powerful transformation, Groups commitment in empowering change in this phase of our country is very crucial.”

The design is more classic and not yuppie. It is authentic to Patrika and its positioning of a powerful value driven courageous media house. The foot line Empowering Change further emphasizes Patrika’s revolutionary bold stands.

Siddhartha Kothari, AMD, Rajasthan Patrika said, “We were looking for a new image and identity which would be more reflective of the new energies and new mindset with which we run Patrika. We strongly feel that brand is about good practices and the conviction with which the team carries the values in their day to day life, because ultimately it is the application of a value system and delivery of the promise that create a brand. Patrika brand is built on journalistic value system and the imagery is only to reflect the same.”

Today the group has a reach in digital that goes much beyond the print readership. It has its own satellite news channel, it is present in six states with 18 radio station, OOH spread across various popular regions and events wing that each year touches lakhs of people besides. Print of course reaches 9 states through 39 editions. More importantly Patrika is a fully 360 degree integrated media house, with fully 360 integrated journalism equal use of MOJO and typing text for print. Patrika does not have separate journalist for separate verticals, the whole ecosystem is interwoven and fully synergized as one.

The new identity would set a new context and resolve for a more powerful organization.

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