Isobar India launches ‘Voice Playbook’ to help marketers transform businesses

Isobar India publishes its first Voice Playbook that explains how voice technology will shape the future of human interactions and more specifically the technical nuances; real life implementation, and how it can be integrated into businesses today. India is one of the fastest growing Voice markets in the world with nearly 82% of smartphone users already well disposed to voice-activated technology as suggested by industry reports.
The playbook unpacks the potential impact of Voice on the global media & marketing industry and also how marketers can win with Voice.
Shamsuddin Jasani, Group MD, Isobar South Asia comments, “Voice is the next big thing and will continue to grow as voice devices proliferate; 5G becomes accessible, and the demand for improved user experience increases. Whatever you make has to enhance your brand and customer experience in a real and purposeful way. Voice enables an intimate and conversational relationship between brands and people. At Isobar, we believe that this new form of marketing can potentially be a big game-changer in the world of marketing. ”
Voice will soon replace type, tap or swipe. The technology enables intuitive human interaction with AI enabled devices to allow consumers to do everything they would otherwise do using text, right from shopping to search, to activating smart homes. It will also accelerate towards 1 billion mobile phone users as it breaks the literacy barrier and goes into media dark areas of India.
The playbook will throw light on insights that will help you enhance your brand-customer journey. It covers:
· Importance of Voice
· Understanding the Consumer
· Growth of Voice SEO
· Decoding Voice for your brands
· Future of Voice solutions
To download the playbook, and to learn how Isobar is helping clients grow their businesses, visit