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Kaizzen Care organizes Dream Catcher, an exhibition showcasing the artistic prowess of an autistic child

Kaizzen Care organizes Dream Catcher, an exhibition showcasing the artistic prowess of an autistic child

 Kaizzen Care, a social initiative by Kaizzen, a leading communications firm based in Delhi, organized an art exhibition showcasing the unique talent of a 15-year-old Ansh, a child with special needs. The exhibition showcasing the specially gifted artist’s creative flair allowed others to cherish the beauty of his paintings, which he uses as a medium to express his dreams, thoughts, and visions. The attendees also witnessed a special performance by 14-year-old musician Shreyan Chakraborty, also a kid on the autism spectrum.  

Referring to kids with special needs as a blessing, Vineet Handa on the occasion says, “Every child is special in their way. Their skills, talents and the way they see the world around them are unique and cannot be compared with another. And kids with special needs are no different. They are exceptionally talented and see the world around them through a different lens. All they need is a little support and care to fulfil their dreams to reach great heights”

“We all need to strive towards making our life a two way street and pass on all our blessings and privileges to the less privileged ones. We at Kaizzen will continue working towards contributing more towards the society and for the underprivileged”

Ansh’s uniquely creative streak, blended harmoniously on a canvas captivated the attention of the audience. 15-year-old artist Ansh Batra started painting 4.5 years ago and since then he has done four solo shows and sold over 450 paintings till date. Ansh was diagnosed with Autism/ADHD at the age of three. His vocabulary and language skills are limited impaired due to his autism but his artwork is not. Extremely hyperactive by nature, Ansh found calmness thought art and a form of expression.

Ansh has attended over 50 art exhibitions and participated at various galleries such as the Indian Habitat Center, Artizen Art Gallery, Gandhi Art Gallery, and Absolute Art. Additionally, Ansh won the 30 days challenge competition in the junior level run by international artist Minisha Bhardwaj. He also won second place among 100 children all over India at the National Level Art Competition.

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