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Lemme Be’s latest ad film narrates honest confessions of a menstruator in a poetry-anthem format

Lemme Be’s latest ad film narrates honest confessions of a menstruator in a poetry-anthem format

Lemme Be’s newly launched ad film narrates the honest confessions of a menstruator in a spoken word poetry-anthem format. ‘My Story. Period’ is a visual representation shown on screen that resonates with the brand’s personality and vision. Along with providing sustainable, comfortable, and innovative period care products, Lemme Be is a gender-inclusive period care brand that also aims to create an empowered community of menstruators. 

No menstruator is ever comfortable dancing or gleefully jumping over potholes while they’re on their period, and they definitely don’t bleed blue. The ad film, created in association with Django Digital, is a transparent effort by the brand to break the distorted idea of periods instilled since ages by other brands in the sector. Lemme Be wants to be a companion to every menstruator since the start of their menstruating journey. The brand wishes to kickstart honest and candid conversations about mood swings, PMSing, owning your sexuality, and accepting one’s body in its most natural way.  In an attempt to initiate a period revolution, the brand has chosen to be real, bold, and unapologetic in its communication with the customers. 

Devidutta Dash, Founder at Lemme Be comments, “All of us at Lemme Be are menstruators in the same flow as our customers and hence, we want people to understand their bodies and the best suitable products for their bodies. We are an inclusive brand catering to all genders and age groups, especially young menstruators who’ve just started discovering their bodies. We’re an Indian brand with a global mindset and when it comes to menstrual health, we want people to feel heard and taken seriously. This ad film is an attempt to reach a wider audience and create a safe co-existing space for all menstruators who are afraid to have uncomfortable period conversations.” 

Kirti Borkar, Creative Lead at Django Digital, conceptualized and wrote the ‘My Story. Period!’ anthem. She explains, “We grew up in a world where menstruation was discussed in hushed voices using code words and pads were sold in newspaper wrappings, still are. Period narratives in pop culture and media told menstruators what and how they should be rather than recognizing how they are. As advertisers, collaborating with an unapologetic brand like Lemme Be, we felt it was our duty to change this narrative, to spark a period of revolution. And what better way to do that than a menstruator telling their story in their own words? For us, it’s not just an anthem, it’s a celebration and confession of what our bodies go through every single month, from one menstruator to all.”

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