Leo Burnett Elevates Prajato Guha Thakurta, Sachin Kamble And Vikram Pandey To NCDs

Leo Burnett India has announced the promotion of Prajato Guha Thakurta (Projo), Sachin Kamble and Vikram Pandey (Spiky) to National Creative Directors. They will report to Rajdeepak Das, Managing Director – India and Chief Creative Officer, South Asia, and Dheeraj Sinha, Managing Director – India and Chief Strategy Officer, South Asia. Prior to their promotions, the trio has been Executive Creative Directors in Leo Burnett’s Mumbai office.
Speaking about the elevation, Rajdeepak Das said, “Sachin, Projo and Spiky have been the engines driving the creative culture at Leo Burnett. They have been leading the Fight Club (the creative brain trust of the agency) to produce and incubate new-age work done for some of our biggest brands – ‘The Nation’s Bike’ and ‘Invincible Indians’ for Bajaj V, ‘Salaam Loans’ for Tata Capital – among so much more for Google, HDFC Life and others. They have been responsible for winning multiple Cannes Lions, One Show and D&AD awards for our clients. Most importantly, they have been the true flag-bearers of the Humankind philosophy and the open-collaboration culture of the agency. It is this spirit that has helped name Leo Burnett India as the Agency of the Year 2018 among our 86-office network.”
Projo, Sachinand Spiky’s new mandate is to help deliver Humankind work on their clients fromthe Mumbai operations and several others from the national roster. They willcontinue to spearhead national new business initiatives and nurture creativetalent across geographies. Additionally, they will play a key role in the FightClub – Leo Burnett India’s creative crucible that takes place every quarter.
Speaking about the promotions, Dheeraj Sinha said, “The greatest thing about Leo Burnett is the ‘boundarylessness’ of our talent. Our best talent is available for our clients irrespective of their geography. Projo, Sachin and Spiky have done a spectacular job of the creative product which has won accolades at Cannes Lions, Spikes Asia and consistently gotten a 7+ on the Leo Burnett GPC scale. They have contributed hugely to the new business wins of the agency and have added value to clients across offices. These promotions are a formalisation of the roles that they are already playing. These elevations are timely as we enter 2019 on the back of great momentum of 2018, both, in terms of business growth and global recognition.”
Speaking abouthis new role, Projo said, “I am equal parts excited and humbled by theopportunity to spearhead Leo Burnett India’s creative culture. As part of thisnew role, our priority will be to carry forward the creative legacy of thisagency by creating new-age, integrated work for our clients, with a focus oninnovation and technology.”
“I am veryexcited about this new role and I’m looking forward to the challenges andopportunities that come with a mandate like this. Of course, work that worksfor our clients will continue to be a priority, and my aim is to do it using amix of design, technology and storytelling,” said Sachin about his new mandate.
Spikey added,“In my 12 years at Leo Burnett, I have seen the agency evolve through variousstages. I am absolutely delighted at the opportunity to lead the next phase,from the front. As the business transforms rapidly and we evolve with it, Ibelieve storytelling is going to be our tool for the future. We are uniquelypositioned to leverage creative data and new media to craft brand stories thatare relevant yet meaningful.”