LMX announces its partnership with CAASie.co to accelerate adoption of Automated, Audience-Driven OOH

Location Media Xchange (LMX) announces their partnership with CAASie.co, an Australian-built online ad platform, to accelerate the adoption of automated audience-driven Out-of-Home (OOH).
LMX will enable CAASie.co’s self-serve OOH marketplace and provide advertisers with global access to an inventory of more than 35,000 screens across Southeast Asia.
The outdoor advertising industry was heavily impacted by COVID-related lockdowns, driving one of the oldest ad formats into the digital age. It has nudged stakeholders into adopting data and technology platforms that help link media spends to outcomes, which is a standard for its online counterpart.
LMX and CAASie.co have both established a technology platform to support OOH automation and both understand that OOH is unique and cannot be traded like any digital channels.
LMX provides a full Sales Automation and delivery stack to OOH media owners and its supply-side platform (SSP), called ‘LMX Connect’ will be integrated with CAASie.co’s self-serve Demand-Side-Platform (DSP) to enable flexible budgets and durations to SMEs and agencies buying OOH advertising.
Making Cross Border Executions Simply Flexible and Accessible
The Moving Walls group has a strong presence in 7 markets including Singapore, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Nigeria, and the United States while CAASie.co, with its core business in Australia, enables self-service access to OOH inventory all over the world.
The Moving Walls group has recently established independent offerings for both the buy-side and the sell-side stakeholders. To advertisers and media agencies, they provide cloud-based planning and analytics for all forms of OOH media powered by a multi-sensor location data platform. To screen asset owners, LMX equips them with inventory management and sales automation tools.
Meanwhile, CAASie.co is keen to bolster a fully self-serve Digital OOH (DOOH) experience, making on-demand access to outdoor assets more flexible and accessible with a strong dedication to merging digital marketing and OOH advertising. The collaboration will allow both companies to scale their offerings across multiple markets and drive the adoption of DOOH from buyers who have traditionally shied away from the format.
According to Srikanth Ramachandran, Founder & CEO of the Moving Walls Group, “When LMX was first conceived, its main aim was to enable screen asset owners to connect to multiple DSPs while remaining in control of inventory allocation and pricing. CAASie.co’s vision of making audience data-driven media buying for OOH possible aligns with LMXs own vision. The partnership will connect Australian advertisers to LMX clients around the world while opening doors for LMX to be adopted by Australian media asset owners.”
Jeff Jaraved, Co-Founder of CAASie.co adds, “CAASie has had great success opening up access to out-of-home for both small businesses and agencies. These folks have generally stuck to online digital formats for their marketing, almost entirely because the outdoor was simply inaccessible to them. The fact that anyone can come in and self-serve their ads on the billboard or bus shelter down the street is huge. Our partnership with LMX allows us to tap into a whole new part of the globe, which I’m sure will be very exciting for our users.”
Read Also : Moving Walls And TPS Engage announced scalable Cross-Border DOOH executions
Disclaimer: Information mentioned here has not been verified or endorsed by Agency Reporter and is in accordance with the press release shared by the company or their appointed representatives.