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On Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2021, Project Her&Now, GIZ launches a radio campaign #HERTimeIsNOW

On Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2021, Project Her&Now, GIZ launches a radio campaign #HERTimeIsNOW

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is implementing the Indo-German project – ‘Economic Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs and Start-ups by Women (Project Her&Now)’, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and in partnership with the Indian Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MoSDE). The ongoing project has already extended support to over 600 women entrepreneurs from various parts of India, helping them to transform their business ideas into enterprises and setting up their existing businesses onto sustainable growth tracks. Beyond empowering the potential and existing women entrepreneurs in tier II, tier III India, the Her&Now Project also seeks to raise awareness on the positive contribution of women’s entrepreneurship for the Indian society and the economy, and intends to create a positive narrative and impact amongst the masses so that they understand and value the significance of women’s entrepreneurship.

In line with their objective and mission to drive behavioral change to enable women entrepreneurs of the nation to thrive, Project Her&Now, GIZ has announced the launch of its radio campaign titled ‘#HERtimeisNOW’ on Women’s Entrepreneurship Day this year. Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (WED) is an annual global observance held on the 19th of November of every year to encourage and support women-led businesses and the spirit of women entrepreneurship in general.

The radio campaign by GIZ will run from the 19th of November and will be implemented in partnership with various regional and national radio channels such as All India Radio, Big FM and My FM. As a part of this campaign, GIZ will be running an array of strategically curated and placed radio ads with a mix of messages that appeal to different listeners.

The key messaging aspects across different target segments of the #HERtimeisNOW campaign are elaborated below:

  • To young women: Highlighting that they can consider taking up entrepreneurship as a viable career option, and that there is support available for them
  •   To the husbands (of the women entrepreneurs): Highlighting that his support really matters, and could help his wife succeed in her business
  •  To the existing women entrepreneurs: Highlighting that there is support available which can help her succeed in entrepreneurship journey
  • To the masses in general: Highlighting that many women are and can be successful business owners and they need to be looked at that way

Speaking on the launch of the radio campaign, Julia Karst, Head of Project Her&Now, GIZ says, “We are elated to roll out the radio campaign – ‘#HERtimeisNOW’ on Women’s Entrepreneurship Day. The primary target group of this campaign is women, i.e. both aspiring or existing entrepreneurs, while the secondary or tertiary target groups are men, family members, and the masses – attempting to challenge their attitudes and the way they perceive women entrepreneurs in our society. The endeavor of the campaign will be to drive behavior change to pave the way towards a more equitable ecosystem and ensure a level playing field for women entrepreneurs in India. To achieve this, we will be using creative storytelling based messages on various radio channels, which in turn will help people to rise above dominant societal discourses and perceptions on gender stereotypes, and at the same time, ensure that women gain access to relevant information on available business support in and around their respective geographies.” 

The development of the ads and other content of the campaign has been inspired by the real-life stories of some of the women entrepreneurs associated with Her&Now. Through this campaign, the project hopes to share the details of its local partners that the women could reach out to, in case they need support in their business journey. These local partners are ‘Dhriiti-The Courage Within’ in the North-East Region (NER), Empower Foundation in Uttar Pradesh, Mann Deshi Foundation in Maharashtra and Startup Oasis in Rajasthan.  

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