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5 factors that make a rebranding campaign successful

5 factors that make a rebranding campaign successful

In this rapidly transforming world, where trends are changing every day, it has become imperative for companies to continue evolving to survive and thrive. Platforms modernize their products and incorporate new technologies that resonate with their customers to stay ahead of the competition. Companies also take the rebranding route to communicate effectively with their target audience about their innovation-driven approach. Rebranding might sound like a simple idea, but it is a painstaking process of changing the brand’s corporate identity altogether.

From changing its name, logo, website, app, and existing designs to introducing new services and products, rebranding effectively communicates the transformation and marks a company’s unique position in the market. A rebranding campaign can either make the company or break it. It must be noted that rebranding requires cohesion and teamwork, and it is not a task for anyone particular department. Hence, the success of the rebranding process depends upon several elements. Here are some of the factors that make for a good rebranding campaign:

Leadership Commitment

The role of the company’s senior leadership is vital in the rebranding process. The entire campaign hinges on its approach towards the idea of introducing the company’s new identity. If the leadership is not clear about the reasons for undertaking the rebranding exercise, it will reflect in the process and seal its fate. Hence, the top brass has to take it upon its shoulders to give the campaign a direction. Top executives can ensure positive brand reforms only if they listen to all the stakeholders involved in the exercise. Elements like accommodating new ideas, taking an innovative approach, and forming a vision that’s not limited to traditional methods make for strong leadership that can lead the course of action.

Building Plan

A building plan is the cornerstone of a rebranding exercise. It has to reflect the idea for introducing the new brand identity. It will consist of everything from the launch date to pre-event and post-event exercises — basically, it is a strict calendar with checkpoint deadlines for each department to reach its final goal. It has to be a strong strategy conveying the new positioning of the company to the target audience. It will only be effective if you have identified your target audience. If you haven’t, you may need to look at your customer data. Lastly, always take a look at the rebranding exercises of other competitors in the market. See what works for you and incorporate it into your plan accordingly.

Right Marketing

You could be offering the best services in the world, but if people don’t know about it, there’s no point in mulling over how good your products are or how much better they are from other companies in the market. Effective marketing is the vehicle that will take your products from your company to the customers. You may also want to partner with a marketing company to help you pave the way towards rebranding. Engaging with a professional rebranding partner can offer a fresh outlook, new direction, and return on your investment. Ensure that your marketing covers all the spheres on the ground to create a buzz on social media websites. Simultaneously, keep track of activities that are working for the company’s goal and discard those that are not achieving the set aim.

Effective Communication with Right Content

Content is the tool that helps companies effectively communicate with their audiences about rebranding and narrate a powerful story about its legacy. A business can tell its story in any format – text, images, video, or audio. Creating a compelling story around your brand helps create a new identity that derives strength from its legacy. It fulfills two objectives – firstly, building an emotional connection and, secondly, providing the understanding for introducing the changes. Immersive content will help you express what reinvention means to the company and conveying the same to customers through different channels.

Tracking the Success

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Once your rebranding efforts see the light of the day, do not forget about them. This journey can be both exciting and daunting, but it’s the outcome that decides if it was worth it. Hence, keep tracking the results of your rebranding. See how the customers react to it, what the media has to say, and what is the buzz on social media. The results might not be what you expected, or they might be a pleasant surprise. Whatever it may be, there are always lessons to be learned.

To conclude, it is safe to say that rebranding can be an overwhelming process, but it is a journey that will show the company its strengths and point out the areas that need to be worked on. Brand positioning in itself is an ever-evolving and ongoing process, and it wouldn’t end with just one rebrand launch. Therefore, keep your target to convey the best of you to your audiences along with ensuring the delivery of services in the best possible manner.

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About the author:

Prabhakar Tiwari, Chief Growth Officer, Angel Broking

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