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AdLift executes ‘TheChoiceIsMine’ campaign for Choice Pill

AdLift executes ‘TheChoiceIsMine’ campaign for Choice Pill

AdLift, a global digital marketing agency has executed a campaign for its client DKT International called #TheChoiceIsMine. AdLift implemented this campaign for the company’s contraceptive pills brand – Choice Pill. DKT International is a registered, non-profit organization founded in 1989 to focus the power of social marketing in some of the largest countries with the greatest needs for family planning, HIV/AIDS prevention and safe abortion. By doing so, DKT has achieved tremendous health impact, and done it cost-efficiently.

A United Nations (UN) survey stated that the lockdown will lead to approximately 7 million unwanted pregnancies globally, as people struggle to access reproductive and non-COVID health care services. Women all over the world are struggling to access appropriate contraception. Limited knowledge about available OCPs (Oral Contraceptive Pills) and lack of access to affordable contraception are the struggles women face. These have been amplified during the CoVID-19 pandemic. Addressing this issue, DKT felt the time was opportune to explore a Digital Video Campaign to talk to women and reiterate that the #TheChoiceIsMine.

With most of the world sitting indoors, a DVC campaign was an apt choice for DKT to reach out to the maximum number of women. The campaign targeted women between the ages of 15 – 34 and has been dubbed in Hindi, Assamese and Bengali to ensure maximum outreach in Hindi speaking regions and the North Eastern states of India. DKT as a brand for the past 4 decades has been instrumental in creating awareness and initiating a dialog about contraceptive security.

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Playing with the brand’s tagline “Moments Without Worries is a Choice You Make”, the entire campaign was conceptualized and shot during the nation-wide lockdown with limited resources. A daunting task initially was smooth sailing due to the coordination between the brand and agency teams.

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