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Ashish Bhasin re-elected President of Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI)

Ashish Bhasin re-elected President of Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI)

The Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) is the national organisation of advertising agencies, formed in 1945, to promote their industry interests so that they continue to make an essential and ever-increasing contribution to the nation. 

Ashish Bhasin, CEO Greater South, Dentsu Aegis Network and Chairman & CEO India, has been re-elected as President of the Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) for the year 2019-20. The announcement was made at the AAAI Annual General Body Meeting. 

Also, Anupriya Acharya, CEO, Publicis Media India, has been re-elected as Vice-President of the Association.

Other elected members of the Executive Committee in alphabetical order are:

Anand Bhadkamkar                    Dentsu Aegis Network 
Kalyan Sarkar                                Standard Publicity 
Kunal Lalani                                  Crayons Advertising 
Prasanth Kumar                           Group M Media India 
Srinivasan K Swamy                    RK Swamy BBDO 
Vivek Srivastava                           Innocean Worldwide Communication 

Immediate Past President, Nakul Chopra will be the ex-officio member of the new AAAI Executive Committee.

On this occasion, Mr Ashish Bhasin, President AAAI, said “I thank the members of the AAAI for reposing their faith in me by electing me for another term as the President of this illustrious organisation.  Along with my colleagues in the Executive Committee, I had set out on a mission to make the association more inclusive, diverse and future-ready. While we have made significant progress in some areas, there are many areas which require more work to be done.  I am honoured to be selected for the second term, which will allow the Executive Committee and me to complete the unfinished tasks. The tremendous support and unity that the members of AAAI have shown, makes me proud of our Association!”

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