The Future Plan Is Clear Enough……Digital India – Ashmita Dhingra, Digifish3

From a corporate employee to entrepreneurship, was it difficult? What is that belief which made you go on and on?
Entrepreneurship was a glam statement for me while I was thinking of a transition from an employee. It was not as rosy as it seemed in the beginning. It required a lot of focus, hard work and people management which we don’t even think about when we are in the comfort zones of our jobs and doing our daily workings. Every day to think of a brilliant idea, execute the same and fail at times was tough. It was difficult initially, but today knowing the trade game it has been quite a learning. Have built a good network, and now an employee strength to bank upon new avenues. The belief that kept me intact and made me follow my aspirations was, is and will always be my business partner. He is the pillar of strength that kept picking me up when I wanted to give up. Stood there as a silent support system, understood finance and moreover guided when and where a piece of advice was needed. Kept me in front to understand, execute and at places learn the art of the trade. So Sandeep Banger (My Business Partner) is indeed a person, who believes in me and the organization makes us learned and rock solid today.
Ashmita Dhingra, Digital Enthusiast, coming from a history of working in marketing, advertising and now in the digital marketing industry, is that what you always wanted or are you still exploring?
This indeed
What makes DigiFish3 different from other digital agencies and what are the challenges you faced till now?
The Awesome team and our Creative Fishes make us Different. Our best competition is we ourselves. Digifish3, as the name suggests offers a 360 Degree Brand Marketing solution and not restrict our self to just digital, which reduces our ocean to swim.We think Consumer and their mind space is what we eye for in a broader picture. The biggest challenge I would say that we faced was to get like-minded people, who wanted to run and become achievers and just not mere operational staff. People not being aware of digital, 4+ years back when we started was a drawback and to get the initial clientele was
As you have an expertise in Social Media, Promotional Engagement Activities, UI, Content Marketing and Branding, what you like the most and why?
Branding has always been my forte and I believe if one knows this genre, rest falls in place. For Branding a person or an organization one needs to be profound in social media content and marketing, promotional and engagement activities and most importantly content marketing. Building a brand name is the core essential aspect for any marketer. And channelizing my knowledge and collaborating various aspects of marketing and making an unknown identity to something that people can recall is what I aspired to do, and today to a certain extent, I am able to do the same.
Can you tell us something about your future plans?
The future plan is clear enough……Digital India. I and my organization to make that true would want to support new ventures/start-ups as digital consultants or partners and give them better user connect. As services