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Youth Marketing: Why brands focus on marketing to Gen Z?

Youth Marketing: Why brands focus on marketing to Gen Z?

Evolving at the same pace of technology and emerging as one of the most powerful customer groups, Gen Z is the brain changer for most of the brands out there. 

Being a digital-savvy generation & an early adopter of trends, Gen Z can smell marketing gimmicks from miles away. Thus, to capture their interests, the brands are constantly brainstorming for ideas that promote sharing experiences and indirect selling to evoke conversations and drive engagement.

Gen Z preferences

According to the estimates shared by Bloomberg in 2019, Gen Z is going to surpass Millennials for the first time with 2.47 billion of the global population of 7.7 billion inhabitants. Equipped with advanced technological devices and financial independence, this group has strong ambitions and all the means to get the right career guidance and create a high-income source to lead a fulfilling life.

One way to tap into this generation is through their peers. Understanding that Gen-Z has the power to influence, however, low it might seem on the scale of influence, they do act as micro-influencers for the people in their circle and this is one opportunity brands are trying to encash.

They communicate in the language of memes and are quick to consume content. Additionally, their stronghold on social media platforms and their power to influence their circle makes the brands constantly look for these micro-influencers in the crowd, who have the energy of Michael Scott and the love for Social Media like Alexis Rose.

Understanding the concept of Youth Marketing

Gen Z is one of the most digitally accessible generations of all. They consume a huge amount of content through OTT, TV, movies, social media, and other channels.  Their behavior pattern opens several avenues for brands to formulate a marketing strategy that is not limited to only one or any specific marketing channel. Being considered as one of the largest consumers of online content, Gen Z is making the brands focus on new marketing techniques that differ from the traditional ones.

Factors driving the trend of Youth Marketing

The youth expect brands to make their life easier and entertaining. Some factors that drive the growth of youth marketing are:

  • Lord of the Technologies

Since Gen Z is the native speaker of digital language, brands primarily focus on this generation as part of their brand’s digital strategy. Additionally, through the adoption of technology, youth can voice their opinion and exchange information publicly. As a result, brands can leverage the opportunity as word of mouth that further adds value to the brand.

See Also

  • The Fast and The Curious 

Youth are residing in a media-rich environment. The penetration of social media into the everyday life of the youth has created space for communication, social interaction, information production, and consumption. Moreover, the accessibility of social networking sites on smartphones and low data charges indirectly increases the brands to implement youth marketing strategies.  

  • Game of e-Thrones

Youth wants to be relevant, they talk about topics that are relevant, and brands, too, want to stay relevant among their audiences. So this brings out content that is relatable and propels engagement. Gen Z relates and resonates with it and thus brand becomes relevant to them. Brands use technology and social media to stay connected with their Gen Z consumer group and entertain them during virtual studies and office schedules.

Gen Z is raised on the internet and brands have realized this. Rather than marketing to them, brands are creating a community where this relationship is fostered. They don’t want to be marketed to, they want to be a part of the story. Instead of coming across as corporates, the youth love the human side of brands. 

About the author:

Raghav Bagai, Co-Founder, Sociowash

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