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Crisis Communication in the digital era: Safeguarding brand reputation

Crisis Communication in the digital era: Safeguarding brand reputation

In today’s interconnected world, where information travels at the speed of light, brands need to be well aware of what’s brewing on social and digital media- at all times. This is because, more often than not, brands find themselves sailing in unchartered waters. In the digital era, a simple post on a social channel by a customer, or a review in a community forum can brew a huge storm, damaging brand reputation and even disrupting business operations across geographies.

In the digital era where misinformation and disinformation are widespread, the sad reality is that public opinion can change within minutes, thereby risking the trust on and the reputation of a brand that could have been built over years. In the times when a video by a prominent influencer can totally defame a credible brand, information flowing across channels plays an important role in building narratives and swinging public opinion and hence, it becomes important for brands to focus a lot more on investing in having crisis communications experts in their team. This can help brands navigate through troubled waters, nip smaller issues in the bud and ensure that their reputation is safeguarded at all times.

The Rise of Digital

Digital has become an intrinsic part of our lives- so much so that if we enter a no network zone for just a few minutes, a lot of us will be anxious to get the phones back up. As per a report dated January 2024, there are 5.61 billion unique mobile phone subscribers, with 5.34 billion using the internet and 5.04 billion having a social media identity. As per the report, individuals spend an average of 6 hours 40 minutes on the internet every day- with chats and messaging, social network sites and search engines leading the charts. A user spent an average of 2 hours 23 minutes on social media. Facebook and YouTube are amongst the top social media apps with regards to time spent by customers on a daily basis. Instagram also has a lot of following amongst diverse set of users.

The digital age has transformed the landscape of communication, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses and institutions. Social media platforms serve as powerful amplifiers, allowing news to spread rapidly and enabling brands to reach a global audience within moments. With one single post, brands now have the power to reach out to millions. Social media plays a vital role in disseminating information and managing crises. It has also made it easier for brands to understand the sentiment of the customers- know what is working or not, or do a pulse check for their latest product launch. Also, there is a lot of market intelligence that can be gathered by brands with regards to the customer needs by reading customer views and experiences as well as what could work well in the future. Additionally, with the ‘always on’ approach, brands can engage better with their customers and build a loyal base.

It would be right to say that social media is a double-edged sword. While there are advantages galore, it amplifies the risk of misinformation, disinformation as well as trolling, and has in turn, made brands more prone to crises, irrespective of the industries they may be operating in.

Crisis Communications Roadmap – Key tenets

When crisis knocks, swift action is imperative. And the best way to navigate through a crisis situation is by going back to the basics. It is recommended that brands adopt the 4R’s of crisis communication – ‘Recognition, Rehearsal, Response, and Recovery’. The first step is acknowledging the problem head-on. Denial only fans the flames. For any type of crisis, it is recommended to have a dedicated crisis management team, equipped to handle the situation with agility and efficiency. This team should have members from various teams including Communications, Legal, Information Security etc., making it equipped to deal with various types of crises.

Here are some tips for those devising their crisis communications roadmap:

Timely Response and Agility

In the event of a crisis, time is the biggest currency, and it is important to showcase agility, swiftly adapting communication strategies to address the evolving situation. One should also be mindful of the issues that need to be responded to, have a core crisis team in place and ensure that the response is well thought-through and shared in good time to contain the damage.

Be alert and well-informed

There are numerous case studies around brands having found themselves in the middle of a crisis that they could have avoided if they knew about the same on a timely basis. Hence, it is key for brands to keep track of each new development on social channels. Leveraging AI tools to ensure round-the-clock monitoring can help brands mitigate risks and address crises on a timely basis.

Being honest and transparent

There are enough examples of companies who tried to hide the truth and later ended up in a soup. The world of social media is such that one can never assume who would put out the truth that the company may have been trying to hide. Hence, it is good to be honest and accept mistakes. In fact, customers today value and prefer to associate with authentic brands a lot more, than the ones who want to show that everything is perfect.

Designated spokesperson for crisis

It is always advisable to have one designated spokesperson in the times of crisis. The spokesperson needs to be someone with a calm demeanor and has experience of engaging with the media. He/she needs to be well-versed with the issue at hand and well-equipped with any past scenarios or incidents that can be brought up. One spokesperson strategy works well for brands as it helps ensure uniformity of message across the duration of the crisis.

Communicate across channels

When in crisis, a brand’s reputation and credibility can take a hit. Also, this is the time when rumour mills are working overtime. Hence, it is recommended that brands communicate and cascade their response across channels so as to reach out to the larger audience. It is advisable that brands leverage their social media channels and owned media channels to communicate.

See Also

Measuring the Impact: Evaluating Post-Crisis Response

It’s essential to measure the effectiveness of our crisis communication strategies which involves a multifaceted approach that goes beyond just ticking the boxes. This encompasses a thorough evaluation of various metrics, including the speed and accuracy of communication, stakeholder perceptions and sentiment, brand reputation, and the overall impact on business operations. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as message reach and engagement, sentiment analysis of online conversations, and post-crisis brand sentiment are essential for gauging the efficacy of communication efforts.

Crisis Communication: The way forward

With the rise of AI and deep fakes, the crises are expected to multiply and become more common. Also, with our increased reliance on technology, the associated risks are expected to increase. In addition, the interconnectedness of the economic ecosystem can further exacerbate the situation and influence others. For example, a cybersecurity breach at a payment processing company can have a ripple effect throughout the financial sector, affecting banks, merchants and consumers alike. Recently, a technology outage impacted businesses globally, and brought numerous airlines across the world to a halt. Such situations require a “fast lane” approach to crisis communication, where speed, clarity and accuracy are at their peak.

Hence, agility, a ready-to-go cross-function crisis team, and robust communications plan are essential for companies. This plan should outline the steps to be taken in the event of a crisis, including identifying the crisis communication team, determining communication channels, and establishing protocols for internal and external communication. Companies need to leverage digital and owned channels to disseminate accurate information promptly. Additionally, Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) play a crucial role in shaping public perception and ensuring the narrative remains under control. By collaborating with trusted influencers, companies can amplify their message and regain control of the conversation.

In the end, crisis communication is not just about managing the fallout, it’s about turning adversity into an opportunity to build trust, strengthen relationships, and demonstrate resilience in the face of uncertainty. With the right approach and a commitment to continuous improvement, companies can navigate through crises with confidence and emerge stronger on the other side.

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About the author

Akanksha Jain, Head – Public Relations and Corporate Communications, BharatPe

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