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Brand safety: How to protect your brand in the digital world?

Brand safety: How to protect your brand in the digital world?

The development of the Internet, besides all the advantages, has brought not always obvious disadvantages for advertisers. With the growing number of sites with substandard content and fake news, it is more important than ever to provide a safe environment for any ad message.

Brand Safety is defined as keeping a brand’s reputation safe when they advertise online. In practice, this means avoiding placing ads next to inappropriate, illegal, dangerous, or radically controversial content. For different brands, the topics of desirable and inappropriate content will differ. To determine such topics, you must study the specifics of the market, determine brand positioning and study the target audience. For example, in the car industry,  it is unacceptable for an advertisement for a car to appear in the text of news about car accidents or in any other context with keywords like “traffic accident” or “accident”.

Why is brand safety important?

A good reputation of a brand is vital to the success and prosperity of the business and is sometimes considered one of the most valuable assets of a company. Hence, it is reasonable that companies want to protect their image and try to position themself among only the highest quality of content. Besides, emotion plays an important role in consumers’ actions, and ads placed on credible news sites normally have a higher click-through rate.

Brand safety is important, but how not to lose too much traffic? 

“Traffic or brand safety? You have to sacrifice one between them. Many people believe that however, that’s not always the case. Thanks to advanced tools such as Semantica, and AI content recognition which is available on the market, your ads still can reach the right audience to meet campaign targets but will not be displayed on harmful, inappropriate, or shady websites. The refined process of discovering, analyzing, and classifying websites is here to help you avoid sites where you really don’t want your brand to be seen. Today, AI is powerful and it’s here to save your time on the maintenance of the marketing campaign” – said Shreyas, Hybrid INSEA. 

What is more, running brand-safe campaigns is seamless. Protecting a brand is automated with 100% accuracy. So the workload doesn’t increase – and it shouldn’t. It’s not about adding tasks to your marketing backlog, it’s about getting better yield from the same effort.

What tools help in protecting my brand?

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Hybrid – a complete solution: the product is an all-in-one product oriented to your marketing goals. You can create, run, analyze and optimize your campaigns using Hybrid. So you are not only able to benefit from AI to optimize your campaign, but you can also be sure that your brand is in safe hands. 

Hybrid along with our VOX-An AI vision platform is based on our own Computer Vision technology which takes into account:

  • all of the images – to recognize objects, categories, and sentiment – positive/negative; 
  • all of the keywords – stop list (obscene language, crime, etc.) positive/negative sentiment; 
  • content – to evaluate and assign the main category; 
  • metadata and URL; 
  • Hybrid friendly index – to evaluate the website in terms of user-friendliness and the environment in which the advertising content is located. 

So if any of these factors have negative results Hybrid doesn’t display ads on the individual page or entire site. Therefore, Brand Safety 360 by Hybrid can help you deduce the risks of reputational losses, control the context where the advertising message appears and optimize costs for advertising campaigns. 

Struggling to find a solution to protect your brand but still optimize campaigns? Let’s try our Brand Safety 360. We offer a ready-made solution, and launch a test campaign in a few clicks with no additional integrations or surcharges. Contact us for more information at

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