Manforce Condoms has come up with an empowering post this International Women’s Day

Indian sexual wellness brand, Manforce Condoms has come up with a powerpuff and empowering post for this year’s International Women’s Day. The brand has leveraged Women’s day celebration with a message that ‘Wearing a condom is not just a man’s choice. It’s also a woman’s! Let’s speak up!’
The post says, “A few days back we initiated the talk about unprotected sex – It begins with the meet-cute, that grows into something more, but oops they forgot to buy the condom, 70% spoke in favor. But they didn’t know, women are at a higher risk of catching STDs, Vaginal anatomy, Confused symptoms, Undetectable, Serious health complications, Transferable to babies during pregnancy.
This International Women’s Day, Let’s pledge to #BreakTheBias and let women choose their safety. #SheChoosesCondom #breakthebias”
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