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You can learn so much about someone based on the decisions they made along the way – Nitesh Kumar, Vice President, Zenith Media

You can learn so much about someone based on the decisions they made along the way – Nitesh Kumar, Vice President, Zenith Media

1. Tell us about your journey right from being an Assistant Manager at IndiAds to a VP at one of the largest multinational agency, Zenith Media?

After finishing my MBA from ENBC, I was determined to reach to grander heights, but at the same time, I knew I really needed to work on my goals to reach the pinnacle. I started my professional journey with indiAds, where I have worked for 2 years before switching to Lintas and finally to Publicis Media. Throughout my 15 years of work experience, I believed I gained a strong sense of what it is like to succeed in the corporate world, you can learn so much about someone based on what their creative path was and the decisions they made along the way, it happened with me too.

2.  How do you manage to bring out the best in you and your team all the time?

The role of a managing a team is not always smooth sailing. Not everyone is going to be easy to work with and ensuring everything is running without a hitch can often prove a challenge. My team looks up to me for guidance and inspiration, so it is essential that I set a good example to gain their respect. If I expect them to behave professionally and commit to their work, it is vital that I do so myself. I make sure that I am doing my job in continuation to develop my career and support my team in doing so too.

3. In a few words, what does you and the company you work for plan to achieve for its clients and industry?

We are steering our energy in the right direction. Currently, we are capitalizing comprehensively on research, data, and tools. This practice is helping us in tracking the changes occurring in consumer preferences and tastes, and it is allowing us to offer our clients with distinguished contributions.

4. If not this, then what would you have been doing?

I am sure I would have been serving the Indian Army. There is no greater purpose in life than to serve one’s people, family, and country.

5. What is one quote that you go by and believe in?

“Just pick a goal, a goal you truly want to achieve, and take a clear-eyed look at your weaknesses–not so you’ll feel less confident, but so you can determine exactly what you need to work on. Then get to work. Celebrate small successes. Analyze your weaknesses. Keep going. As you gain skill, you’ll also gain a feeling of genuine confidence, one that can never be taken away–because you’ve earned it.”

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