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Relevance of great content with great visuals

Relevance of great content with great visuals

I would like to begin this piece with a quote from Michel Bolton “Its a combination of melody and lyrics, not one is without the other. It’s a confluence of these different elements that makes something powerful” More than 80 percent of the information that our brains are processing is visual. They say that the eyes are the door to your soul, likewise, your eyes always take in everything first, rushing this messaging to the brain. This is one of the reasons why beautiful landscapes, images or even colorful packaging catches your attention immediately. But is just colorful packaging enough to attract you further towards a particular object, thing, product, or service? The answer is No!  

The brain processes visual imagery much faster than just words, if we take this basic principle it allows us to see why both the image and the content have to be powerful – in sync and together can have a good impact to achieve an optimum result.

As marketers, our goal is NOT to please the client! Yes, you read correctly!

Our primary goal is to understand the consumer, because, if we understand our customers and create campaigns that align with the consumers’ thought process, then we have a very happy client! This term ‘consumer’ is so generic that as a good marketer we must understand that we are all consumers! There are so many products and services that we relate to, we even try new ones all the time, but not all new products attract us. So, what is this reasoning behind any of us choosing one product or another.

The decision-making process is complex. The first primary trait is of course the need or the want –  ever looked at the ice cream shop on a really hot sweltering Indian summer day and just drool on the images of delicious ice creams in different flavors and beautiful bright colors? 

Once we move ahead from there what the next thing that helps us along in this decision is the way the brand product or service projects itself to us. for example, the ice cream shop we are drooling over, does it have a WELCOME sign on the door? Does the person in the shop smile and welcome you in? Does the shop look neat and clean from the outside? As human beings, our complex and amazing minds simultaneously take in many messages at once. Visual, emotional and tactile senses whirl together and boom! – We have that moment where we have now decided that we like what we see, we resonate with it as it fits our personality, ideals and our current state of mind.

A visual and contextual amalgamation in an intelligent, sensitive and timely manner is most important to any brand product or service. In today’s digital age, social media platforms act as a tool for us to reach out to our customers, employees, investors and other stakeholders. Other “owned” media such as your website, emailers, WhatsApp can play a very large role in bringing you the results your desire, be it awareness, sales or both. The content that we create for each platform, if not intelligent and mindful of the platform will fall flat on our faces – this is a time when brands start wondering why their marketing efforts are coming to no fruition. It’s important to remember, the content and visual you create has resonated with the goals and personality of what you are marketing. Keep in mind, as a marketer you do have a great moral responsibility – that of Integrity, Quality, and innovation.

Read Also : The D in Digital

About the author:

Tanya Swetta, Co-Founder & CEO – id8 Media Solutions

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