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Shifting gears: Why brands should embrace the open internet over social media 

Shifting gears: Why brands should embrace the open internet over social media 

For years, brands in India have relied on social media to capture consumer attention, but times are changing. Indians now spend half of their time outside of the big tech walled gardens – increasingly preferring the best of the open internet. This includes streaming the latest Bollywood series and popular TV shows on OTT/CTV, streaming music and digital podcasts, live sports and trusted journalism.

With India’s internet users exceeding 800 million, over-the-top (OTT) is now the top internet usage, with 86% primarily using it for OTT audio and video services (Source: Internet in India 2023 report by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and data analytics form Kantar). In 2023 alone, the OTT audience surpassed 481 million, up 13.5% from the previous year(All other data is sourced from Gateway to the Open Internet report by global advertising technology leader The Trade Desk and data analytics firm Kantar).

Not only did such content command the majority of consumer attention, it is also very attractive for marketers. As an example, Indian audiences are 33% more likely to agree that ads on OTT/CTV are more premium, than those on social media platforms.

On this Social Media Day, we offer key insights on why the open internet is a compelling alternative to social media platforms:

The power of morning update routine: From 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., Indians are most active in keeping up with news, making this an ideal time for marketers to target news-related ads. Research shows that consumers are 17% more likely to purchase products advertised on news and websites compared to social media platforms, and they find these ads 19% less intrusive. This highlights the effectiveness of the open internet over social media for effective advertising.

Commuting is a prime time for engagement: With average commutes of 57 minutes one-way, Indian users turn these long travel times into focused “me time.” Unknown to many, commuters spend 60% of this time on the open internet, creating a prime opportunity for brands to reach these users during their daily journeys.

One in 2 Indians are multitasking while consuming social media content during work hours: Did you know half of Indians multitask on social media during their workday between 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.? Many also watch video game livestreams over meals, suggesting ad spend on these walled gardens during such times might be wasted due to divided attention.

“On this Social Media Day, it’s crucial for marketers to recognize the rising power of the open internet. Open internet platforms such as like OTT/CTV, music streaming, news/websites and online gaming offer unparalleled opportunities for more precise and relevant engagement, enabling brands to reach nearly 600 million users across India.” says Tejinder Gill, General Manager, The Trade Desk.

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