Swiggy’s Tabboo Breaking New Ad, An Opportunity for Big Brands to Quit Inhibitions

Swiggy, in a way, has conveniently dropped off the veil and touched upon the interdiction in the smoothest way by showcasing a relatable situation which is faced by every woman in her day-to-day life.
Online food aggregator — Swiggy a little while back started a new service called Swiggy Stores that delivers groceries at the doorstep. However, what caught my attention was the ad, the food service company came up with for its new venture. The slot embarks on with a young lady coming forth in the scene who is actually seen entering her home from the office (supposedly), all worn-out and drowsy. Taking off ‘shoes and bra’, became a moment of deep-dyed relaxation for her as she positioned herself on the sofa to seek some leisure. The TV remote batteries (that drained out) were what turned her off for which she approached Swiggy Stores to deliver the batteries at home.
Our Take
The consumers are more likely to buy products or service from a brand if it publishes or creates ad content and other creatives that breaks stereotypes.
Swiggy, in a way, has conveniently dropped off the veil and touched upon the interdiction in the smoothest way by showcasing a relatable situation which is faced by every woman in her day-to-day life. Brands with a sturdy reputation often become cautious when it comes to portraying some usual yet risky stuff that might just offend someone. Being bold doesn’t mean using profanity. It requires a clear understanding of your intended audience just what Swiggy does.
Swiggy didn’t take a major call or shoutout. It just simply put forward what is real and of course relatable. As one of the big foodservice brands in the country, it somehow neutralized the risk of getting called out to be offensive to a certain section simple and cleverly assembled narrative. Also, this small step can also give other brands an indirect push to come out of the comfort zone, break the stereotype, and show through their ads — what is real, believable, and relatable.
Regardless of the industry and audience, there’s massive competition among businesses to get heard. Being bold – whether that’s taking an unconventional approach, using off-color humor, or actively limiting your campaigns to target specific audiences – helps you stand out from the crowd, you should do it.