VistaPrint’s latest ad campaign, #MeraNaamMeriShaan leaves viewers with a warm smile

Striking a chord with small business owners and customers, VistaPrint India launches an ad campaign, ‘Mera Naam, Meri Shaan’ (My Name My Pride) to help strengthen the business-customer relationship.
Made to help people associate themselves profoundly with what they have created, VistaPrint’s ad campaign builds on customization’s emotional benefit – pride. The 40-second advertisement shows several small business owners interacting with their customers and going about their daily lives, all of whom feel proud and a lot more confident once they see their product/merchandise packaging carrying their name or their company’s name. With this ad campaign, VistaPrint intends to bring out the pride that individuals feel when something is connected to their names, which is deeply tied to their sense of self.
Bharath Sastry, CEO of VistaPrint India, comments, “When a small business is appreciated by its customers when an owner has created a legacy when an entrepreneur is just starting up full of hope when any individual just wants to create and display an identity, there is a sense of pride. We are attempting to celebrate this emotion”
“Besides monetary benefits, for an entrepreneur or an owner, an important outcome of running a business is establishing their identity and the respect that comes from doing so. The film we have created aims to capture this feeling that Vistaprint understands very well and provides services that bring it alive,” adds Abhijit Avasthi, Founder of Sideways Consulting.
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